Does Buying Local Food Make a Difference?

by | Aug 12, 2024 | Events, News, Uncategorized


In one word, yes.

Every person makes choices about the food they eat.

Here are some of the top reasons buying (and eating!) local food matters.

Family first
When you buy from a farmers’ market, or at the farm gate, you are doing more than just supporting an industry and our economy (which you are, in spades). You are supporting another family. Producing food is a way of life and is often a family affair. Purchasing locally grown and made food can help local farmers and food producers be profitable and carry on or create family traditions.

Keep your money in your community
When you spend money on locally grown food, it keeps your money in your community and province.

Good for the environment
Food that travels shorter distances to your kitchen or dinner plate can be more environmentally friendly and sustainable than food that travels halfway around the globe.

An extra shot of tasty
Local food is often more fresh and as a result, tastes better.

Good for your health
Fruits and vegetables start to lose nutrients within 24 hours of being picked, so fresher, local produce is often more nutritious.

Be social
When you visit a farmers’ market, U-pick or even a restaurant that sources locally made ingredients, you get more than just fresh food or a good meal. Buying local is a social experience. You meet farmers, vendors and chefs. You run into neighbours and old friends. When you make local food a priority, it gets you out into our community and province.

Peace of mind
Many people gain comfort knowing exactly where their food comes from, how it was grown or raised, and the family or person responsible.

Protects rural Alberta farmland
Local food requires local farmland. The food you buy from farmers’ markets and from the farm gate is typically from small farms. When these farms thrive, the land they are on is more likely to remain agricultural and less likely to be developed for industrial or commercial use.