AFMA Awards

Deadline for nominations is January 15, 2025!

Wanda Klimke Memorial Award for Distinguished Long-term Service

Named in remembrance of Wanda Klimke, long time dedicated AFMA board member, and a good friend
of our association.

Wanda was a strong supporter of Alberta Approved Farmers’ Markets. She was instrumental in the
formation of AFMA 20 plus years ago. Wanda represented the Calgary and South region of Farmers’
Markets. At our meetings she regularly voiced the concerns of her region. She held the position of
secretary for many years. Performing the job with great skill and expertise. She shared her unique wit,
years of experience and insights at our board table.

The Memorial Award honours a retired or deceased volunteer who has given much time and effort in
direct service as a member and has promoted farmers’ markets throughout the community.
The award is presented only when a suitable candidate is identified.

Nomination Form

Outstanding Perennial Vendor Award

Recognizes the diversity of the talents of AFMA’s long term Make it, Bake it, Grow it vendors.

Candidates and Products Should Demonstrate These Qualities:

The products have to be local and unique. Characteristics of excellence and uniqueness include: packaging, labeling, marketing, popularity and customer impact for the market.
These vendors have products that have stood the test of time, have a loyal customer base, and attract
customers to the market.


Candidates must be a current AFMA vendor member with five or more years in business.

The award is presented annually, providing that a suitable candidate is identified.

Nomination Form

Outstanding New Vendor Award

Recognizes the diversity of the talents of AFMA’s new Make it, Bake it, Grow it vendors.

Candidates and Products Should Demonstrate These Qualities:

The products have to be local and unique. Characteristics of excellence and uniqueness include:
packaging, labeling, marketing, popularity and customer impact for the market.


Candidates must be a current AFMA vendor member in their first, second, third or fourth year of

The award is presented annually, providing that a suitable candidate is identified.

Nomination Form

Outstanding Market Manager of the Year Award

Recognizes those who have shown innovation in administration techniques, events, community
involvement and promotions to improve their market.

The award is presented annually, providing that a suitable candidate is identified.

Candidates Should Demonstrate These Qualities:

Strong communication skills including the ability to communicate with vendors, board members,
customers, media, surrounding businesses, potential partners, etc. Proven ability to stay on top of social
media and spread the word about the market but also to quickly and effectively deal with complaints
before they become a problem.

Candidates should strive for continuous improvement for example: learning from their peers, learning
from every store they go into, from every food show they watch, etc.

Candidates should be teachers: someone who is able to take their knowledge and help vendors
improve, help customers and others understand their market issues, etc.

Candidates should be visionaries, big picture thinkers. Where do they see the market in 5 years and how
will they help to get it there?

Other important qualities include: being in tune with what customers want and with what vendors
need, showing creative thinking (in terms of layout, programs, etc.), being well rounded in retail,
merchandising and sales, show creative problem solving, show integrity.


Manager must be managing a current AFMA market.

Nomination Form

Click here to see last years winners