Alberta’s growing season is relatively short, so to take advantage of local fruits and vegetables, it’s wise to plan ahead.
July to October is generally considered Alberta’s harvest season, but with greenhouse growers, cold storage, canning and freezing, it’s easy to extend the growing season and make Alberta fruits and vegetables available for eating year-round.
The following list outlines the most readily available fruits and vegetables in Alberta. These are the best times to look for them in a farmers’ market, pick them at a U-pick, buy them at the farm gate or ask for them at your local grocery store.
Produce Available
Apples Mid-July through October
Asian pears August through October
Asparagus May and June
Beans July through September
Blackberries Mid-July through August
Beets July through mid-October
Blueberries Mid-July through August
Broccoli June through mid-October
Brussel sprouts September through November
Cabbage July through November
Cantaloupe July through September
Celery July and August
Carrots July through November
Cherries June and July
Christmas trees December
Cucumber July through September
Eggplant July through September
Gooseberries July and August
Greens June through October
Herbs June through October
Nectarines July and August
Pears August to mid-October
Peas July and August
Peppers July through September
Potatoes June to mid-October
Raspberries mid-July through August
Rhubarb June through August
Pumpkins September and October
Summer squash July through September
Winter squash August through October
Saskatoons Mid-July through August
Strawberries July and August
Sweet corn Mid-August through September
Tomatoes July through September
Wild mushrooms Spring through fall