Dark River Farms
Meat - Dairy - Eggs

About Dark River Farms
At our family-owned farm in Peers, Alberta, we believe in traditional farming practices that prioritize the well-being of our animals. you will find a commitment to quality and sustainability in everything we do. From our provincially inspected beef, lamb, poultry, and pork to our locally sourced hay, straw, and grain, we take great care in ensuring that our products are the best they can be. Our firewood and sheep wool pellets are perfect for those looking for an eco-friendly and natural solution to heating and gardening needs. Visit us and see the difference in our ethically raised and locally sourced products today!"
Verified Product List
- beef, pork, lamb and chicken
- eggs
- knitting
WHOLESALE ITEMS: Beef / Pork/ Lamb / Chicken
PHONE: (306) 450-7905
EMAIL: darkriverfarms@hushmail.com
PHONE: (306) 450-7905
EMAIL: darkriverfarms@hushmail.com

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