JoMar Handmade
Art - Craft - Home Decor

About JoMar Handmade
JoMar Handmade is a home-based business started early in 2024 and selling at local artisan and farmer's markets only. The fabric items are all sewn by me, and my focus is on household/home/personal use items, including the ever popular bowl cozies (and now plate cozies), bowl covers, unpaper towels, jar openers (magnetic with grip material), sensory aids, and the frequently requested adult clothing protectors (aka "bibs") in two or more styles.
Verified Product List
- Fabric items sewn by me. Cozies for bowls, plates, tea pots, french presses, pot holders, jar openers (grip material & magnetic), bowl covers in various sizes, unpaper towels, adult clothing protectors (aka "bibs") in two or more styles, sensory aids (marble mazes, crinkle mats and hopefully more soon), bottle/gift bags, handcrafter bags, french press wrap, baby items such as bibs, teething rings (only until current stock is gone).

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AFMA Member
Find us at these
non member Markets
Castle Downs Farmers Market
Crafters to the Rafters