Kookeez Dog Treats Inc.

Pet Items

About Kookeez Dog Treats Inc.

Kookeez began approximately 10 years ago as a hobby business specializing in the baking and selling of what we refer to as 'people' cookies. During my recovery from elbow surgery (resulting from a bicycle accident a week prior), my sister-in-law informed me about a market at the Arts Barn in Old Strathcona. The organizer of the market was feeling disheartened as the individual who had agreed to bake and sell cookies had just canceled, leaving only two weeks until the event. Moved by sympathy for the organizer and seeing an opportunity to fulfill my lifelong dream of owning a business, I decided to assist and signed up to sell cookies at the market. The first task at hand was to come up with a suitable company name. After some brainstorming, I settled on the name 'Kookeez,' playing with the word 'cookies.' Without delay, I began making cookies and arranging for necessary supplies such as boxes, labels, and business cards, all while undergoing physiotherapy for my elbow.

Our cookies were an instant success at the market, selling out completely. We continued selling cookies for a couple of years, but we felt that something was missing. We desired to make a meaningful contribution and it seemed like we weren't fulfilling that goal. It was then that we stumbled upon our cause after hearing numerous news stories about contaminated dog food and treats. We realized that we had to play our part in providing dogs with delicious and healthy treats. Since I already baked treats for my own beloved pets at home, I decided to test them at a few markets, and they were incredibly well-received. From that point forward, Kookeez shifted its focus to baking healthy, tasty, and chemical-free dog treats. Our furry friends deserve the best.
Late November 2021, our side passion became our full time love and we've been growing ever since.

Kookeez dog treats are crafted using only the finest quality ingredients, and our production process has evolved to ensure a longer shelf life without the need for chemicals, refrigeration, or freezing. Initially, we offered three main flavors: peanut butter, pumpkin, and oatmeal honey. Today, we have expanded our range to include six flavors, including gluten-free options. Two of our most popular flavors, Mutts and our gluten-free treats, were inspired by valuable customer feedback. We actively encourage feedback because we recognize that some of our best ideas come from our loyal customers and their furry companions. As I always say, "we may create it, but with your feedback, we can make it even better!"

Betty Sheppard, President
Kookeez Dog Treats Inc.
Edmonton, Alberta

Verified Product List
  • Dog Treats - oatmeal honey, pumpkin, peanut butter,mutts (a combination of the previous 3 flavors), breathalyzers, sweet potato & peanut butter. Cat Treats - tuna cat treats 5 sizes of dog bandanas that slip on the collar, 2 sizes of bow ties, 3 sizes of snuffle mats and 2 sizes of snuffle mat kits, squeaky toys made from recycled denim.


PHONE: (780) 915-5584
EMAIL: info@kookeez.ca
WEBSITE: http://www.kookeez.ca

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