Petal & Pollen
Fruit - Vegetable - Plants
About Petal & Pollen
Local field-grown flowers crafted into hand-tied fresh & dried custom bouquets, alongside small-batch pure honey. After raising their family in Crossfield, Kathy and David turned their love of nature and 30-year passion for propagating plants into a new business venture. They grow over 20,000 flowers each year (some are native Alberta wildflowers), and every week during the growing season, harvest buckets of fresh cut flowers and bring them to local markets. You can select a grab-and-go bouquet, or have a bouquet made just for you right at the market, choosing from the seasonal selection of fresh cut flowers they bring. “We love seeing the joy on our customers’ faces when our beautiful, specialty flowers catch their eye. Many people are surprised by the range of flowers that can be grown in Alberta. Stop by our booth, create a custom bouquet, or simply talk with us as we love to chat about flowers, growing plants and keeping bees.”
Verified Product List
- 70 varieties of flowersLocally grown, seasonal specialty cut flowers (fresh and dried) made into custom bouquets , small batch honey and honey comb, specialty cut flower seedlings, related products (Note cards, gift certificates)
- Ageratum Agrostemma Allium Amaranth Ammobium Anemone Artemesia Aster Basil Bee Balm Bee's Friend Bells of Ireland Bupleurum Calendula Canterbury Bells Celosia Cerinthe Clarkia Columbine Cosmos Craspedia Daffodil Dahlia Delphinium Dianthus - Sweet William Didiscus Dill Dusty miller Echinacea Echinops Eucalyptus Euphorbia FeverFew Flax Foxglove Gladiolus Godeta Gomphrena Helipterum Hibiscus Jewels of Opar Larkspur Lavatera Lily Lisianthus Lupine Marigold Nicotana Nigella Orach Orlaya Ornamental Grass Phlox Pincushion Flower Ranunculus Rudbeckia Salvia Sea Holly Sedum Snapdragon Statce Stock Strawflower Sunflower Sweet Pea Tulips Tweedia Veronica Yarrow Zinnia

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