Prairie Cedar Creations
Art - Craft - Home Decor

About Prairie Cedar Creations
I love the organic nature of wood, how it looks how it feels and the process that took a tiny tree into piece of wood that can be cut and milled and shaped into a never ending variety of objects. I can walk into my wood suppliers and instantly fall in love with a block of wood. Be it the grain, the shape, or the color I know instant-ly I have to have it. It may take a couple of years to finally decide what it will become, but that too is part of the process. Sooner or later a vision, an idea or a project evolves.
Be it a small cedar box or a full sized dining room table I always feel a sense of pride when I deliver a project to a customer and know through their reaction that I did a good job.
Darrell Pydde
Verified Product List
- Wood working products for indoor and outdoor decor. Cedar planters and Furniture, to hardwood furniture, cutting boards, art pieces, home decor items.

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